Sunday, September 30, 2007

#8 Make life "really simple"

I have now discovered RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, and have set up a Bloglines account. The Palinet tutorial has really helpful explanations. I have discovered that there is a feed reader on my Firefox browser, so I'll have a look at that next.

#6 Third-party Flickr Apps.

I have just had a go at Trip Planner, by Yahoo! Travel. This site enables you to plan a whole travel itinerary to assist on the journey and then you can create a photo set of your trip using Flickr.
I have also had a look at fd's Flickr Toys, and made an ID badge with my photograph on it. Coming on!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Template changes

At last I'm over the "blind panic" stage in dealing with all this technology. I've started to relax and work out how to get the results I want. I've just given my blog a nice template to improve its appearance.

#5 Discover Flickr; Trading Card Maker

I have just managed to work out how to use Trading Card Maker, and have put my picture on a card. I can't really see why I would want to use it, although one suggestion is to make cards with pictures of your friends, to embarrass them. I'm a bit old for that sort of caper, though.

#5 Discover Flickr

I'm glad the pace of the training is reasonably slow. It takes a while to feel comfortable with the procedures. I seem to be improving with practice, though, and have managed to work out how to use Flickr. I have put a picture on my blog, after several attempts. I thought I had done something wrong, but it just takes ages to upload.

#7 Blog about Technology; virtual-world modelling

I have just read an article in New Scientist (24 Feb 2007) about the possibility of scientists researching human behaviour by studying game-playing strategies in virtual worlds. In the computer game World of Warcraft, which is played by more than 7.5 million people around the world, adventurers encountered a deadly plague virus that spread rapidly, with devastating effects. Nina Fefferman of Tufts University, Boston, saw it as an opportunity to study how each of thousands of people would respond to the outbreak, to see if it held lessons for real-world disease control. Critics, however, say that in virtual worlds, human behaviours don't really correspond to the real world. In virtual worlds there is nothing at stake; you die and then can be re-born at the click of a mouse. Even so, World of Warcraft's virtual plague has suggested the possibility of a whole new approach to disease-modelling, and further developments may yet help to save lives.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Moving along....

Two steps forward and one backward this week, with the training. Pauline

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 2 training

Getting better at it, and at least remembering my password this week.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Learning 2.0

First day of training. Of the list of seven, the most difficult for me is no. 6. Using technology to my advantage. That's the one I'll be working on. Pauline


Book Talk at Nunawading on Wed. 19 Sept. I'll be recommending several stylish and sophisticated mysteries, and have prepared an additional list.


A fine drop of burgundy